Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Caribbean Note #38

Hey Everybody,
Wow!  I can’t believe we’ve been here on Bonaire for a month all ready!?!
It seems only last week we were opening the house and sweeping up the omnipresent red dust, and soon it will be time to get together in Hood River for Sidney and Jesse’s wedding.
It was nice to hear that Garrett was accepted at Oregon State and that Sidney will be going to law school.  Some of you may have heard that Mom’s house in Independence was sold after being on the market for more than two years.  Keep us posted on these things!  We love to get news from home!!
Island life is going along as always.  When we get in a hurry the island forces us to slow back down.  We’ve made several trips to the government office to pay our property tax (not yet done) and file our taxes (not yet done).  Anyway the forms we filled out are being replaced by other forms we will receive later on.  I hurt my foot and went to the hospital for an x-ray but the island medical insurance would not cover the cost because while we had spent weeks getting our residency status and island ID cards, we had not gone to the government medical office to “activate” our coverage.  This meant more trips to get and fill-out and file the proper forms (in Dutch – thank you Google translate) to be reimbursed for our hospital bill.  The bill here for emergency room nurse, doctor, compression bandage, pain pills and x-ray:  $243.56.  In the states, can you even walk into the Hospital’s Emergency Room for that?
Berit’s birthday was last week and we went to the bike shop to buy a nice bike for her, and Frank (the owner) said he had just the right bike (a touring bike the proper size for her) and it would be here in five weeks.  Nothing on this island happens right away; you just have to relax and go slow.
We’ve been working in the garden, and birding with our friend Jerry, and watching Modern Family (Season 2) and Survivor on TV.  (SPOILER ALERT! We think Colton’s karma caught up with him and his appendicitis attack was payback for being such a mean little bitch!!)
The weather has been cooler and the cruise ships abundant, but the diving has been spectacular, as usual, and in addition to our own fish frys, we’ve given away buckets full of lionfish; our kill count in now 542.
We had our friends Bob and Noelle come to dive for two weeks and enjoyed their visit very much.  Bob is able to repair all things electric/electronic and Noelle made breakfast every morning, so it was easy to enjoy their company.
Berit and I have been doing a video workout every morning called Insanity (like P90X) and between that and our Sunday 20 mile bike rides we’ve stayed with it for the past eleven days.  I’m not sure how much we’re improving but I do know how many buckets of sweat we’ve lost.  We’re trying to last for 60 consecutive days.  Hope we do . . .
The other big news is we’re taking a break from drinking and like all the other over-doers out there I can tell you it’s been 54 days and counting.
Rexx is fine and sleeps in the sun every day.  It’s nice to see him warm and happy.
We saw Tiger win a couple of weeks ago and we’re looking forward to the Master’s starting tomorrow, and would love to see the “old” Tiger in action again.  We hope he wins!!
That’s all for now from the Caribbean; we hope all is well with you and the people you love!

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