Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Caribbean Note VIII

Wow!! Last week, so last note. We'll be coming home on Saturday.

While we know you all are experiencing much worse weather than we, it is still pouring here. It has rained seven of the last eight days, and even though we're sitting on the patio in boxers and a nightgown (I'm not wearing the nightgown) the temperature has dropped to 25C (77F) and feels downright chilly! There is so much rain that our neighbors yard is a lake and the walkway in front of our house (the Grand Canal) is deeper than we've ever seen it. Last year it didn't rain from the end of October until the first of April and this Fall it has done nothing but rain; rain and more rain.

You're probably sick of hearing about our construction project, but it's still our everyday news; needless to say we'll have to finish painting outside when we come back in March. What painting we've done is trying to wash away with all the water! Yesterday we gave up and planted our garden and finished placing our coral and white stone gravel. We think it looks very nice, even thought the garden wall is still just primer white instead of Antillean yellow.

The big tree is down and gone and inside the new miniblinds are up and look great. The computer desk and lamps and switch plate covers and new curtain rods and drink fridge and all the little things we've done this trip make the house much more livable and comfortable. (Next time new towels!)

We went diving on Sunday (in the rain) at two of our favorite sites, Chocogo and Invisibles. We had a nice long last dance with the fishes and eels and turtles abut missed seeing the big Manta Ray our friends saw cruising the reef last week. I never did get my new scooter put together, but that leaves something to look forward to next time. When we come back the first of March we will be staying for three months until the end of May, so please think of us when you make your vacation plans, we'd love to have you come and stay as long as you can.

Nine weeks seems like a long time to be away from family, but it's such a short time on the island. It seems like just last week we were watching men dig trenches and pour footings.
Oh, well; we'll be home in just a few days. Hope you are all well and happy!!

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